St Paul's Anglican Church

Located in the town of Brighton, Ontario

Worship With Us

Join us during this time of reflection

Welcome To St Paul's

Weekly Service Times At St Paul’s

Join Us In Worship!

Thursday 10am

Holy Communion
Book of Alternative Services (BAS)
Spoken Worship

This is a small 45 minute spoken service with Holy Communion.
Enjoy a time of fellowship
after this informal worship with coffee and light refreshments served in the Parish Hall.

Sunday 8am

Holy Communion
Book of Common Prayer (BCP)
Spoken Worship

Join us for this contemplative early morning worship using the Book of Common Prayer. There is no music at this 45 minute service of Holy Communion. Children are welcome at this service, however there are no programs for them.

Sunday 10am

Holy Communion
Book of Alternative Services (BAS)
Choral Worship

Enjoy a traditional Anglican worship service with music. Coffee and light refreshments served in the Parish Hall after the service. Sunday School and Nursery programs available as needed.


..and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”


Worship at St Paul’s



The Season of Advent beckons us to quiet, watchful reflection. Much as an expectant mother anticipates the birth of her child, we wait for the arrival of Jesus, born in a manger in the tiny town of Bethlehem, many years ago. “Prepare the way of the Lord, and all people shall see the salvation of our God.”

Searching for connection?

We hold three weekly worship times – two Sunday services with Holy Communion at 8:00 am and 10:00 am respectively and a Thursday morning Holy Communion at 10:00 am.

The 8:00 am service uses the Book of Common Prayer and the 10am service the Book of Alternative Services.

Special occasions of worship happen at other times, especially during Advent and Lent. Also Christmas is anticipated by the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols for Christmas, usually held a week or two before Christmas Day.


Looking for Guidance?

St Paul’s is here for you, a foundation for support during life’s “highs and lows” in the Brighton and surrounding area for over 160 years.

Are you getting married? Exploring baptism for yourself or for your children? Have a young adult in the family ready for confirmation? Experiencing loss or grief? Looking for Bible study or spiritual counsel?

Please contact us below if we can help you during life’s celebrations and transitions.

Joining AN Event?

There are opportunities for fellowship and for ministry at St Paul’s Anglican Church, where you’ll grow in relationship to Christ in our small, friendly parish located near the shores of Lake Ontario.

Explore fellowship activities from coffee hour after services to dinners, crafting, outreach, serving, reading, choral singing, bible study and more.

We look forward to meeting you and celebrating in your gifts to help grow your church!

The Lord is my strength and my might; he has become my salvation.

Psalm 118:14 (NRSV-A)

Sharing God’s love in this time and place..

St Paul’s Anglican Church is a relatively small parish of about 100 families, located on the Eastern edge of Northumberland County, on the shores of Lake Ontario near Presqu’ile Provincial Park. The people of St. Paul’s come from a variety of backgrounds: young and old, raised in the church and new to the church, single and married, divorced and widowed. It is our privilege to serve here in Brighton, Ontario and also to serve through our partnerships with mission and outreach groups here in Canada and around the world.

Join us in worship and celebration..

St. Paul’s Church is an Anglican church, but everyone is welcome – you don’t have to be Anglican to worship in this community. You are invited to visit and worship with us at any time, take part in any of our programs and join us as part of our church family! The liturgy of the Church celebrates the truth and mystery of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and thus we gather each Sunday to celebrate, in word and sacrament, our participation in that truth and great mystery. It would be wonderful to have you with us!

Discovering St Paul’s

Warm, friendly, inviting

St Paul’s is a place for you

Quick Contact Information

Looking for something specific? Use the quick contact information below and be in touch.


613-475-2000 – you can also leave a message after hours.

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 57
Brighton, ON K0K 1H0

Street Address

48 Sanford Street Brighton, ON

Office Hours

Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9:00am – 12:00pm.   You can also set up an appointment.  Please call the office and we can accommodate your needs.

Parish Leadership

Priest: The Reverend Lee McNaughton
Churchwarden: Mr. Ernie Alkenbrack

Join In The Rich Liturgical Heritage Of The Anglican Church of Canada

Looking For Something?

We are here to help! We look forward to being in touch with you in the way that is most suited to your lifestyle and technological comfort. Please feel free to phone or email us but since our office hours are presently two mornings a week (Wednesday and Thursday) our response may be slower than we would like. Even if slow, you will get a response!

12 + 5 =

St Paul's Anglican Church, Brighton ON

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